What about the astro-predictions for Donald Trump in 2020, when we have the US Presidential elections? (We have recently seen Trump get acquitted in his impeachment trial – 5/2/2020. When I wrote this article back in April 2019, it was fairly clear to me that he would still be with us in 2020. Some astrologers, however, have rushed to see Trump removed from office.) If you just assume President Trump won’t be re-elected on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 in the 59th four-yearly elections, read this from the Forbes website:
‘Donald Trump’s presidency has been so widely derided in the national media that a casual observer might easily conclude his prospects for re-election are dim. However, that is not what the odds makers are saying. They give Trump a solid edge over any Democratic candidate in 2020 … Only two chief executives seeking reelection over the last 50 years—Carter and Bush 41—failed in their bid for a second term. Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama all won reelection, even though at least two of them were highly controversial. In fact, the most controversial presidents tend to roll up the biggest reelection victories. Second, Trump has presided over the strongest economy in living memory. Unemployment is at record lows, inflation is nearly non-existent, and new jobs are being created at a startling pace. Anyone who studies presidential politics knows that strong economies are the most important factor driving support for the incumbent. 1
Elsewhere, Elizabeth Drew reckons that the Democrats possibly need to do more:
‘Trump’s success at solidifying his base could be his salvation in 2020 if the Democratic nomination process doesn’t produce a strong enough opponent or ends in hostility. And, though Trump appears to have committed several impeachable offenses – accepting “emoluments,” or gifts or income from foreign sources, and obstructing justice, among others – the Democrats are reluctant to be seen as seeking his removal from office, owing to the fierce opposition of Trump’s base. (Fanatic Trump supporters have threatened literal civil war if their hero is impeached or convicted.)’ 2
It seems not to matter how widely Donald Trump is derided in the Press, nor how many ‘false or misleading claims’ (the Guardian) he makes, or how politically incorrect he may be, the train keeps on rolling! Lately, we have seen the results of the Robert Mueller investigation into Trump’s possible collusion with Russia over the election campaign in 2016. Many opponents had hoped for his impeachment, but as Reuters reported, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House said: ‘Trump is unfit to be president but she is “not for impeachment.” This is because: “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country,” Anyway, Pelosi added, “He’s just not worth it.”
In any case, the Mueller inquiry – which ended on March 22nd 2019 – stated no direct evidence of any illegal activity on President Trump’s part. However, it’s not quite as simple as this, for as Benjamin Wittes (contributing writer at The Atlantic and editor in chief of Lawfare) says: ‘Mueller does not accuse the president of crimes. He doesn’t have to. But the facts he recounts describe criminal behavior.’ (The full article is here.)
Interestingly, the final report concluded just as ‘lucky’ Jupiter had transited (by opposition) Trump’s sun at 22º Gemini. (By one degree of orb.) This is significant, as Jupiter has long been a key factor in the fortunes of the Donald as President – it has been conjunct his ascendant by progression since the start of his presidential campaign on June 16th, 2015 (starting within only two minutes of arc.) Obviously, each subsequent progressed chart shows the orb for the Jupiter-asc. conjunction getting wider and wider. This means that the reality checks will, incrementally, get more urgent and attempts at impeachment may increase.
The Solar return for Donald Trump in 2020 shows two important oppositions: a Mercury-Mars conjunction (opposed to Pluto-Saturn conjunction in the 10th house), plus sun opposite Jupiter. Mercury-Mars opposite Pluto-Saturn is fiercely combative, argumentative and divisive, a situation where both opponents dig in their heels, assume strong positions, and refuse to shift ground. Tough opposition in other words, and this can apply just as much to Trump’s personal life as it does the day job. However sun-Jupiter will also provide some self confidence, if not actual protection. We’ll see more instances of Donald Trump in 2020 thumbing his nose at convention with that Teflon coat (and delighting his supporters). Here, though, he may ride the storm just as well once more!
2020 is unlikely to be as smooth a ride as it has been, however. Donald Trump in 2020 as seen through his Solar Return (from June) a different picture emerges when Chiron sits on the MC, whilst Saturn is now in the seventh house of relationships. The MC symbolises the public image and profession, and Chiron energies can bring out the worst in a situation. Saturn is all about having to realise limitations, and so its placing in the seventh may mean that even trusted advisors could be found wanting as loyalties are stretched. However, we must add that both Pluto and Jupiter are also conjunct the descendant (making it technically a stellium with Saturn) so that we have a case of both powerful friends and powerful enemies.
Of further serious weight in 2020 is transiting Pluto (once more demanding his pound of flesh) in late January to early February (also, throughout July) as it opposes Donald Trump’s natal Saturn. This is an extremely tense transit and not easy to bear – the weight of the world is on one’s shoulders and the forces of opposition are strong. Something has to give! Something may now backfire, and his attackers and opponents may even be gaining ground.
This personal transit of Trump’s also coincides with the major, historic Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January in the sky. It has a universal effect but applies especially to right-wing conservatism and strongly capitalist agendas. Charges of corruption or racism may occur, press freedoms may be under attack, oppressed minorities may be yet more oppressed.
The Saturn-Pluto transit bespeaks of right wing empowerment and its iron hand, authoritarianism and the removal of liberties by those in charge as they push their agendas (or worse). Human rights often go straight out of the window. For example, the last time this conjunction occurred (separated by only one degree) was in late October 2001, coinciding with the appearance of the US Patriot Act, in the wake of 9/11, the previous month. This was:
‘signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001 in order to strengthen national security … Those opposing the law have criticized its authorization of indefinite detentions of immigrants; the permission given to law enforcement to search a home or business without the owner’s or the occupant’s consent or knowledge; the expanded use of National Security Letters, which allows the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to search telephone, e-mail, and financial records without a court order; and the expanded access of law enforcement agencies to business records, including library and financial records. Since its passage, several legal challenges have been brought against the act, and federal courts have ruled that a number of provisions are unconstitutional.’ (Wikipedia)
It’s also going to get interesting in late March, 2020 (and early July) when transiting Jupiter opposes Trump’s natal Saturn – one step forward and two steps back! This is the old expansion–contraction dichotomy when, with an optimistic attitude, you try to accomplish one goal but end up mired in something else quite unforeseen. Decisions announced by Trump, despite popular base-support, may fail to get the blessing of Congress.
By the time of the Uranus square to natal Pluto on July 6th (and late September) there is massive tension seeking a release! Whatever has transpired lately – maybe new laws or policies put into force – can no longer be sustained, and President Trump may have to change tack. It might, for example, be time to forget about the border wall, for good! This high-pressure situation with Donald Trump in 2020 should come to a resolution finally in late September as it re-occurs, not least when the concurrent transiting Jupiter squares his natal Jupiter. Here, though, the President will once again be in a confident, nay bullish, mood.
So what does the astrological picture indicate regarding Donald Trump’s possible return to the White House in January 2021? And will the Democrats be able to field someone who can capture the popular imagination, given that populism is what seems to work best these days?

Democrat Party Chart – 17/2/1801, 13.00, Washington D.C.
‘Since Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal coalition in the 1930s, the Democratic Party has also promoted a social liberal platform, supporting social justice … People living in metropolitan areas, women, sexual and gender minorities, millennials, college graduates, and racial and ethnic minorities in the United States, such as Jewish Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans and African Americans, tend to support the Democratic Party much more than they support the rival Republican Party.’ (Wikipedia)
The more community-oriented, ‘all-comers welcome’ element, where minorities and those of foreign birth are drawn to the Democrats, reflects perfectly the Aquarius sun and – in one sense at least – Cancer rising. (The sign of motherhood, caring and support.) Aquarius is the sign of collective idealism, community, brotherhood and sisterhood. Humanity coming together as one.
The sun is also conjunct Pluto, and my researches show that strong Pluto aspects are always necessary to an entity like a political party – for wielding great power, what else? On election day, 2020, the progressed sun is exactly conjunct natal Uranus, hence the urge is to reform and break up the old order. There will be much talk of a ‘revolution in politics’ from the Democrats.
Likewise, the solar return 2020-21 chart for the Democrats has Uranus conjunct the MC (to within one degree) emphasisng the theme of drastic change (which will require drastic moves) that will possibly extend to their final choice of presidential candidate, possibly a maverick, ‘Uranian’ type with truly innovative and radical ideas! Someone to shake things up. Transits for election time for the Democrats are unhelpful, though on a Tertiary Progression I chart (something I haven’t used for ages) the sun will have moved to an exact conjunction with Pluto.
And, as mentioned, Pluto is almost always present where the taking of power is involved! Also, the Solar Arc Direction chart has Jupiter conjunct the natal sun for the time in question. The Democrats astrologically speaking, are well placed, then. So what about the Grand Old Party?

Republican Party Chart I – 20/3/1854, 18:30, Ripon, Wisconsin
‘The liberal Republican element in the GOP was overwhelmed by a conservative surge begun by Barry Goldwater in 1964 that continued during the Reagan Era in the 1980s … White voters increasingly identified with the Republican Party after the 1960s. [In 1973] the Republican Party made opposition to abortion a key plank of its national party platform and grew its support among evangelicals.’ (Wikipedia)
What the Wikipedia piece above doesn’t mention is that the Republicans have always been the party of big business, self-determination, the corporate and capitalist ethic and essentially, the upholding of conservative values. This is hardly reflected in the ‘official’ chart of the Republicans – illustrated above – set for 6.30 p.m., Ripon, Wisconsin (March 20, 1854), the venue for the first meeting for a new anti-slavery party when the name “Republican” was suggested.
Rather, I suggest that a chart for the ‘first statewide convention that formed a platform and nominated candidates under the term “Republican”’ (Wikipedia) better describes the character of the GOP. This occurred at a venue near Jackson, Michigan on July 6, 1854. If we use the time of the traditional chart (18.30) we get Sagittarius rising, though a little later gives us Capricorn rising:

Republican Party Chart II – 6/7/1854, 19:00, Jackson, Michigan
This chart seems to tie in with its perceived character as the party for the ‘self-made business person’ who favours pragmatism, profit and low taxes. The ‘rectified’ chart I have chosen is set for 7.00 pm. Even if this time is wrong, a chart for the Republicans with sun in Cancer (tradition, ‘family values’), moon in Scorpio (reactionary and heard-headed) and a Venus-Saturn conjunction (social conservatism) seems more apt than the first one with sun in heroic Aries, moon in idealistic Sagittarius and ascendant in light-hearted, diplomatic Libra rising.
How are they going to fare then? Well, the Republican solar return shows the sun conjunct to Chiron on the IC – a ‘wounding’ at the heart of things. (See last paragraph.) Then again, we have the Jupiter return occurring at 23º Capricorn in the wake of the election in November 2020 – hardly insignificant, and one of the two major factors suggesting a successful election.
Pluto also moves to a powerful conjunction with Jupiter this month – and this has massive significance. It may well help return Trump to power. The Solar Arc Direction chart also shows Jupiter making a square to the natal ascendant. Squares are not necessarily obstacles, but they do always lend plenty of energy and impetus to a situation!
At the end of the day, enabling and empowering Jupiterian energy assists both party charts and the election result will be very close run thing (much closer than the Democrats would expect). The whole thing could easily swing Trump’s way because of the strong economy, low unemployment and the fact that the nation is nominally at peace.
However, on election day President Trump’s progressed chart shows pressure involving taskmaster Saturn and the progressed MC as they form a conjunction. Some astrologers may see in this a suggestion of karmic just desserts. But – remember – the strong Jupiter-Pluto configurations on the Republican chart may swing it for Donald Trump, not that a return to power for him in 2021 will be anything like the proverbial walk in the park.
Many left wing academics have commented on how the whole spirit of democracy itself in the US has been affected. Indications are that America, under Donald Trump in 2020, will see little change. here. It’s interesting to note that, on the progressed US chart for 2020, Venus is conjunct Chiron, which – in turn – is also conjunct the natal Chiron! On a mundane chart, Venus is collective common discourse (how a nation communicates and relates) and Chiron is the wound that requires attention. These latter suggest something ‘wrong’ at the core – something that requires healing.
On the progressed Sibly chart, Uranus is conjunct the MC (government) and the faster moving moon is conjunct Pluto. Here, we have tension and pressure building up to the point where the energies are ready to burst forth. Something new wants to be born. Something’s gotta give! People are ready for big change in the US, and something will arise from that gnawing sense that one is living in unusual times!
Why is Donald Trump’s chart similar to that of UK PM Boris Johnson? Click here!
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I think that if we take a look at who is the happiest person in the election night we may find out that Trump isn’t so glad:
Moon opposition Moon: Emotional imbalance will not allow you to avoid many conflicts. Communication with female staff and female partners will be especially difficult. Intervention of household chores and relatives will negatively affect your professional and business sphere, and here you need to find a reasonable compromise. Disagreements with employees, discouragement, pettiness and nervousness. Difficulties in solving financial issues, current and internal problems of the company make this day difficult and unsuccessful.
Donald J. Trump.
4-Jul-2020 +19°,46’51 MC // C-12
6-Jul-2020 001°,43’43 Leo MC 0 C-12
6-Jul-2020 010°,02’49 Taurus Ura 90 Plu transit
6-Jul-2020 014°,54’45 Cancer Sun 90 Chiron transit
6-Jul-2020 -00°,57’08 Mars // Nep transit
Thanks Andries,
The brain washing liberals have deflected their own prejudices out on the opposition. In case anyone needs a history lesson, the Democrats were the ones with slaves and the Republicans were fighting to free them. The Democrats was the party that formed the KKK in retaliation. They use the poor and the blacks for votes only, they brain wash and stir controversy off themselves. It’s just a tactic they use. If people would use common sense and look at the cities they run, high taxes, run down poor sections that never improve. Democrats are anti church, anti police, Anti American, anti guns, Anti history, Anti freedom. They are career politicians who’s biggest accomplishment is lining their own pockets and stirring up race wars and division. I will never vote for a Democratic again as many people I know say the same thing.
Sorry for the late inclusion – I’ve been unwell.
You can spot a trump support comments a mile away…rambling way too long, projection/double talking, soooo many exclamation marks and capital lettering emphasis, missing words…missing points lol. Omg enough. Seriously this is an astrology forum not Fox News… go back to trolling twitter and reddit so we can talk about actual astrology here. That being said, an astrologer once wrote a piece on how Mercury effects can be deeper more than Pluto…I feel like I’m starting to understand that …
In reply to Goodbye Facts:
Discrediting me based on grammar but, not content? lol! Typical leftist. You also discredited based on location, looks, race, age, privilege, anything that proves you’re right and everyone on the right is wrong. We think you’re good people with bad ideas you think we are bad people with ideas. I’m not trolling. I was responding to what others posted negatively. Try reading the thread and being less ignorant and judgmental.
And discrediting Fox News when you don’t watch it is simply regurgitating what your leftist media overlords fed you. If you haven’t watched it how can you critisize? Oh yeah, you don’t need to. You just critcize everything and everyone that doesn’t tow the liberal line.
Yes, let’s talk astrology. Hillary has how many planet in Scorpio again? 6? She’s deranged. Trump’s chart vs Hillary’s is light soul vs dark soul. How people can look at Hillary Clinton’s chart and think she was a good candidate is beyond me.
Btw, I wasn’t trying to hide being a supporter of the President. Unlike leftists I want the pilot of the plane I’m flying on to fly right so I don’t attack him while he’s doing a great job!
American is in a cold civil war. The right has been promoting libural hate for over two decades. The left is no longer turning the other cheek. There is very strong hate for the other side, from both sides. Me, when possible, I personally have vowed to not support financially any Republican owned business. I won’t buy their products. I no longer send any disaster assistance to a red state. The disgust with Trump on the left is monumental. If Trump gets elected again, especially given his utter disregard for the law, this country will never be the same.
Many thanks for commenting- JLP.
In reply to Joy:
Yes, the country is divided by the people who believe the media and career politicians aka those who’ve been lying, cheating and stealing from us for decades! Trump has lost a billion dollars of personal wealth. He doesn’t take a paycheck. He paid for his campaign with his own money. Why are Democrats are so fiercely attacking him? Trump has caught many of those career politicians hands in the Ukrainian cookie jar (stealing aid during Obama years) and also caught them spying on Americans including, his own campaign (they couldn’t hide it! Check the recent IG report!). Trumps has helped created a great economy, brought jobs back, strengthened our military, renegotiated trade deals with Canada, Mexico and China which, creates more wealth for Americans! That’s YOU and ME. We have record unemployment, record dow, historic numbers! Jobs, jobs, jobs! Manufacturing is coming back! We’re are making good steel not suing cheap Chinese steel! NO Obamacare mandate! ( that was breaking people) Stronger borders!!! NATO allies paying their fair share! Religious protections!! (Christians and Jews recently) Prison reform!! Paid family leave for those who just had a baby! Deregulation of businesses!! Lower taxes across the board for everyone! Corporate taxes went from 35% to 21% which, booted the economy! More hires means less on food stamps!
THE HATE IS ON THE LEFT. Trump won the election fair and square and all the left has done since is accuse the President of being a Russian asset ( Mueller investigation exonerated him/no evidence whatsoever), label the right Russians bots, trolls, toothless, irredeemable, deplorable, stinky Walmart shoppers, taco bowls, inbreds, flyovers, on and on and on and on…The media and Democrats have encouraged violence against the right! The left destroyed property and breaks Trump supporters bones but, get off Scott-free. You my liberal friend are seeing things in a delusional media bubble that just isn’t real. Democrats had the office for 8 years and millions were on food stamps and broke. Now America is prospering and the man in DC who isn’t a career politician, who isn’t establishment, who isn’t part of the decades old swamp is the bad guy???? LOL! That’s not even logical. It’s so ridiculous I have to laugh. The right isn’t violent. The left is violent. Don’t believe me. GOOGLE IT. (The left attacks Trump supporter(s)) The left loves to make you think through censorship you are the ones being attacked but, it couldn’t be further from the truth. I’d add links but, I don’t want to get into trouble. If you are so intolerant of making America great again and you want to war against your family, friends and neighbors…go for it. But, Joy…you will lose.
In reply to Lee.
MOST OF THEM ARE UNEDUCATED, EXTREMISTS, RELIGIOUS FANATICS, racists. Have you seen his Rallies? THEY LOOK LIKE THE WORST OF WALMART. BY THE WAY, you need to educate yourself on the facts, not Fox. THE FACT IS THAT TRUMP DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU, ONLY YOUR VOTES. He wants to be a dictator. HIS BILLIONAIRE STATUS IS A JOKE. ALL THE PEOPLE IN NEW YORK KNEW THIS. I don’t know why I’m even responding to you, you’re in the cult of personality, not truth.
In reply to Joy:
I hope you are right. Trump is the best president in mt lifetime.
In reply to Patricia watson.
Joy: President Trump will indeed be re-elected; best president in my lifetime as well
Natal sun aspect north node & moon. Go Trump
It is incorrect English to say “Democrat Party.” It should be “Democratic Party.”
See https://www.factcheck.org/2007/12/the-democratic-or-democrat-party/
Thanks for pointing this out, Alice,
Donald J. Trump.
4-Oct-2019 026°,17’10 Libra Asc 60 mutual C–3
7-Oct-2019 001°,01’13 Aquarius IC * ALTAIR (MARS – JUP )
9-Oct-2019 019°,57’23 Leo Moon * ALGENUBI (SAT – MARS )
10-Oct-2019 019°,36’44 Sagittarius Jup 60 Chiron transit
11-Oct-2019 014°,54’45 Leo Merc 60 Chiron
11-Oct-2019 -00°,57’08 Mars // Nep transit
17-Oct-2019 +18°,51’35 Moon // MC
22-Oct-2019 024°,16’20 Libra Jup 30 mutual C–2
26-Oct-2019 020°,36’55 Leo Moon 60 AR10
30-Oct-2019 020°,45’24 Leo Moon 60 Drac
4-Oct-2019 000°,55’54 Capricorn Moon 180 AR02
4-Oct-2019 000°,56’57 Capricorn Moon 135 MC
4-Oct-2019 018°,45’09 Sagittarius Jup 90 C-11 transit
5-Oct-2019 000°,56’57 Libra Mars 45 MC transit
5-Oct-2019 005°,29’46 Taurus Ura 180 AR12 transit
5-Oct-2019 012°,17’22 Libra Sun 45 Black Moon transit
10-Oct-2019 001°,08’16 Capricorn Moon 60 AR08
10-Oct-2019 -06°,20’56 Sun // C-12
10-Oct-2019 016°,56’16 Libra Sun 135 AR11 transit
11-Oct-2019 -22°,48’38 Jup # Sun transit
15-Oct-2019 001°,18’29 Capricorn Moon 180 mutual C-12
oh. i just think we should make iq tests mandatory for presidential candidates and voters also. no more morons voting in morons. forget about morality since stupid people cant grasp that..
Thanks for commenting, Michaela.
Best wishes, JLP.
Reply to Michaela Morgan:
Yeah all that moronic economy booming stuff and moronic jobs and moronic peace talks with N. Korea and S. Korea and moronic deregulating businesses so they can flourish and employe all those morons who work for a living. This is exactly why Trump won. Liberal arrogance, ignorance and lack of respect for America, Americans and our democracy. Only liberals should be allowed to vote what you meant. Don’t worry the message your loud and clear and we already knew what you think of us.
I love this comment
) Thanks Peppermint Patty for the support, you nailed it right on the head, Donald Trump is the astrology of truth or dare. He is an inspirational speaker with words of grace and dignity that all Republicans love love love. His truths are beyond this world as he always accurately projects with his mistickle ways. Cheers to Donald and his humble ways! Cheers to his unbelievable tweeting. Cheers to his amazingly intelligent fans like yourself whom have a vision so simple it questions itself. Cheers to you Patty for all that you have shared!!!
Thanks for commenting. Like I’ve said already I’m pretty detached from all of this, neither Democrat nor Republican, in fact, a politically indifferent UK resident, only interested in the astrology.
Sound so much like words from Nuremberg in 1932. Is the word “mistickle” how the nazis spell mystical ?
Sorry you lost the election but, could you stop labeling everyone who doesn’t agree with 3rd trimester abortion, socialism, globalism, phony climate scares, big government messiahism and healthy hate for America a Nazi?
In reply to Trumpster:
Astrology website. Not Fox News.
Trump 2020! Trump is in his Jupiter dasha (I do both western and Vedic astrology), difficult to not have a good outcome for him. His good fortune is ours. This is a good analysis, but to determine he would win in 2016, the Vedic provided more clarity. So many astrologers failed to predict he would win in 2016, I think much of that though is because for whatever reason, 90% of astrologers are leftists and therefore hate Trump as the media tells them to do. It is the corporate owned media they should hate, not Trump. I have a 2 degree mercury saturn conjunction in Taurus, I absolutely love Trumps no PC speaking style.
All of his biorhythms come crashing down November 6 2020
I’ll look out for that! Thanks for commenting. There’s talk of impeaching him at the moment, but the Democrats seem to be giving out mixed messages on this issue.
Best wishes, JLP
Thanks for an insightful analysis. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. This is just an opinion from a girl in a blue state – Here’s hoping Jupiter works his magic for the Ds!
Thanks Kari.
Warmest wishes and blessings – JLP
Awesome analysis! Not sure if you have written about this before, but is there anything in the US chart around the election time frame that would indicate a shift?
Thanks Melania – do you mean a shift towards the Democrats? If so, the Democrats have Jupiter helping them too, but they need to be more ‘radical’ in my opinion and get a ‘maverick’ in. (I don’t think Joe Biden will do it!)
Best wishes – JLP
You are all drinking the KOOL-AID. It’s amazing to me how intelligent people lose their ability to use logic when it comes to their emotions. Trump was the most investigated President EVER. They wanted to impeach him and were talking impeachment on NOVEMBER 9, 2016. Democrats wanted the last 3 Republican Presidents impeached incidentally. Comey did MANY things to warrant being fired and doing so had absolutely no impact on the election, Wikileaks, DNC LEAK, Muelker investigation or how people voted in 2016. Democrats didn’t pay attention when thousands upon thousands of Trump supporters showed up to his numerous rallies to support him. All of that had nothing….listen now…NOTHING….whatsoever to do with Russia. They thought Hillary had it in the bag so much so they, corrupt Democrats within the government including Obama and higher ups in the DOJ and FBI, who abused their power, positions and American resources to betray the Americans they swore to serve by taking part in the coup to illegally SPY on opposing campaigns for political DIRT but, it didn’t pay off this time! Trump had won. RUT ROH!!! What to do now?!?? Trump, who they had been spying on for over a year was now in a political position to discover their DIRTY little political tactics because, unlike the Russia garbage where there was never EVIDENCE their illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy had left a paper trail (wait for it). It was the “Steele Dossier” that was used to spy and start the Mueller investigation which was PAID for by the Clinton campaign!! It was used to obtain warrants (FISA’S) to spy on the Trump campaign!!! WTF? What now? He won!?! They absolutely PANICKED!!! What now??? LIE. IMPEACH HIM. Use the media to claim Trump colluded with the Russians and THAT’S why you were spying in the first place!! Not to cheat! You were “protecting America!” It was the RUSSIANS! Who cares if there’s no actual evidence! People will believe it if the New York Times writes 491 articles about it and every leftist HACK “journalist” in the world reports it! They whole thing was to make as much noise as possible to cover up not just their Trump campaign spying but, Obama’s spying on Americans and unmasking them AS A PRACTICE for defeating political enemies. POWERFUL PEOPLE ARE NOT GOING TO GO DOWN! Ask yourselves after 2 years why the Democrats and Mueller couldn’t produce a single shred of evidence Trump or any American for that matter colluded with the Russians (emollients??? REALLY? Lol!) to effect the 2016 election other than the phony, discredited “Steele Dossier” PAID for by the Clinton campaign. “The truth will out!” as they say. They also say you can lead a horse to water but, you can’t make him drink! Indoctrination is a powerful thing. Trumps nowhere near perfect but, he certainly didn’t need the Russians to win against Hillary Clinton. Look at her chart! LOOOL! Hillary lost using every dirty political trick in her 6 planets in Scorpio book and Trump still won! I say get over it and stop accusing Trump supporters of being the gullible ones when it’s you that bought the Russian collusion delusion without evidence!! #TDS <<<<<<
Thanks for sharing! I have to say that I’m pretty detached from all of this, neither Democrat nor Republican. In fact, I’m a politically indifferent UK resident!
REPLY TO LEE: I hope you are reconsidering your uncritical support in light of Trump’s own words, seeking to enlist a very vulnerable foreign government to do his “oppo research” on Joe Biden’s son in order to attack Trumps’s most feared political opponent. As well, we have reports that shortly after taking office, Trump, told Russian officials that he didn’t care about their interference in the 2016 election.
As for the idiotic theory that “the server” was spirited off to Ukraine like some kind of modern day holy of holies, do you not understand it’s the data on the computer, not the computer or server itself that is valuable? Trump has 0 computer literacy, but most of the rest of us should be able to summon a bit more in the way of critical thinking skills. Be a thinking human! Our freedom depends on it.
REPLY TO ELINOR: You care more about an inquiry into corruption than actual corruption??! Look at Deep State worms squirm!!!!! Wow! What are Democrats are freaking out over? There’s the Hunter and Joe Biden’s corruption in Ukraine and 1.5 billion funding to Hunter by China BUT there’s something bigger than that.!! . The corrupt company hired by Hillary Clinton to say the Russians hacked the DNC!! Julian Assange said over and over it wasn’t Russia. The Deep State is scared and it’s obvious. A leak then phony accusation for impeachment is how Democrats are trying to control the damage. Democrats always blame Republican for what they do!!! This is what? The 10th attempt to unseat the NON-DEEP STATE President?? I guess you guys won’t be happy until you have another civil war.
You act like Deep State is on your side. The deep state aren’t on your side. They aren’t on my side. They’re on their side so be careful what you cheer for.
And for someone lecturing others on critical thinking skills you might wanna try to use some when you look at the numbers for the economy. Just sayin’…
Finally, Trump can say whatever he wants to another country on the phone. WHATEVER HE WANTS. The CIA works for Trump not, the other way around. Trump is the President. He has every right to do oppo IF HE WANTS. If Biden committed crimes America should know it just like all the investigations sleazy Democrats did on Trump and found nothing!! Now you want impeachment over a benign phone call get over yourself! You have Trump Derangement Syndrome! Open your eyes!
Stop being a lemming of mainstream media news. You want so badly to believe Trump is bad you accept without critical thinking anything that supports your negative feelings and beliefs. That’s called BIAS. Corporate news are paid propagandists. Who pays them? Billionaires. Millionaires. FYI Trump was investigating Ukraine because, during the previous administration $7 BILLION Dollars in “aid” went missing. Our taxpayers dollars. We actually know what happened and how the previous administration was involved. Ukraine has since had elections and they electing a new President. President Zelensky is a white hat. A good guy. He’s well aware he was elected to to clean up Ukrainian corruption. So what’s really happening here? Democrat run news is spinning that Trump withheld aid to demand investigation of Joe Biden,. What’s really happening is Trump is collaborating with Zelensky to investigate where billions went to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Don’t believe me! Info is out there for anyone who rwants to know the truth! Look I could share the truth with you all day but, you need to start paying attention and doing your own OBJECTIVE research! Vote for who you want but, it’s America that’s being taken for a ride by these corrupt politicians. Anyway, if you want details of where to start investigating watch this. Make note of the timeline, players and events. Then go validate the info for YOURSELF. Good luck. https://youtu.be/5nUZekJ3pfM
As long as Trump is above the law and protected by McKinley’s and Barr we the people are done for.
I guess it looks like the experiment of democracy failed in the US, being whittled away by the Republican Party of Nixon, and now met it’s death in 2020.
I always felt that 45 which is a 9 which is completion was to be the last president of this nation.
Now we can have a dictator.
Trump is not above the law he is PROTECTED by the law just like you and I and every American. And what law are you referring to? I’m certain you don’t know and are regurgitating Democrat propaganda you heard that’s meant to keep your #TDS alive and well. Liking Trump is a threat! The Democrats have to keep their hive angry, outraged and buzzing with constant disinformation. It’s called emotional manipulation…propaganda. Angry people do something! Angry people vote! Truth is irrelevant to those who seek power for powers sake. Aka Democrats. Also, in the 8 years Obama was in the White House WHAT DO HE DO? Billions on “Climate Change” to other countries (what a joke/travesty) millions more Americans on welfare and food stamps, millions less employed, Global Apology Tour and spent more than ALL Presidents combined …no wonder America kids can’t even get a working school desk! Buu buh!!! Trumps phone call! He.Did.Nothing.Wrong. This is another desperate set up by the left. I’m sorry you can’t see how bad these people are. They are the rot in America. Idc what they’re selling , clean air (lies) clean oceans (lies) free healthcare(lies) free education (lies) it’s ALL LIES to wealth redistribute and line their own pockets. Socialism.
In reply to Lee.
You sound unwell. Peace.
It is clear to me that you have not read the Mueller report. Alas, that is true of most Americans who claim there is nothing in it directly linking him to criminal activity. I believe obstruction of justice, which Mueller amply proves, is a crime, no? It’s lucky he can’t be indicted while president.
Hi Frankie,
Thanks for commenting – I was aware of the inconsistencies here, but I’m more interested in how he’s getting away with it (i.e. Jupiter). You even use the word ‘lucky’ yourself – attributable to the planet in question. However, in the interests of clarity, I have added an amendment flagging up an article in the Atlantic from April 29th, which you can now see in the post.
All the best, JLP.
You liberals really take the cake with your conspiracies lol
That’s absurd. There was a bank robbery. I wasn’t involved and don’t know anything about it but, somehow I obstructed it? That’s so WEAK!! It’s just pathetic and cringeworthy desperation. Besides, Russia didn’t hack the DNC or Podesta. PER Julian Assange of Wikileaks. But, they silenced him as well. We know though because, of the metadata. So whatever is in the Democrats Hillary and Obama attorneys report is meant to leave it open so angry Democrats can impeach a democratically elected President because…THEY DON’T LIKE HIM. He’s not playing swamp nice. He can’t be leveraged or bought. He can’t be controlled and that’s driving them stark raving mad!!! So impeach! Impeach! Impeach!