Thou art Kāli, the original form of all things, and because Thou art the Origin of and devourest all things Thou art called the Adya [the Primordial One]. Re-assuming after Dissolution Thine own form, dark and formless, Thou alone remainest as One ineffable and inconceivable. Though having a form, yet art Thou formless; though Thyself […]
Are We Still in the Age of Pisces?
We all heard the joyous proclamation – in the 1960’s musical Hair – that ‘This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius’. For those looking and watching, people around the world were supposed to transform into a universal brotherhood built on sharing, on common values and recognition of each other’s basic humanity. War would […]
Neptune on the Birth Chart – Accent on the Ideal
As a rope, not perceived distinctly in dark, is erroneously imagined, As snake, as a streak of water, so is the Soul (Atman) erroneously imagined. Gaudapada,Māṇḍukya Kārikā 2.16-19 Just what does Neptune do your birth chart – and how should we interpret it? To begin with, Neptune is the name given to the Roman God […]
Mercury and The Key to Consciousness
Just what is the role of Mercury on your birth chart? Why does it seem to be ‘neutral’ – neither masculine nor feminine? Most of all, how should we even begin to interpret it? It’s true that Mercury is often overlooked in both chart interpretation and progressions-transits to the natal chart. But, being neither boisterous […]
Chiron in the Twelve Houses
How many of us are familiar with the Chiron house position on our birth chart? I’ve written elsewhere on this site about Chiron but this guide introduces the mysterious Centaur planet to your very own chart. Firstly, to know how Chiron will operate natally is to understand the theme of ‘sacred wounding’ and just how […]
O Jove much-honor’d, Jove supremely great, To thee our holy rites we consecrate,Our pray’rs and expiations, king divine, For all things round thy head exalted shine … Source of abundance, purifying king, O various-form’d from whom all natures spring; Propitious hear my pray’r, give blameless health, With peace divine, and necessary wealth.1 Is Jupiter really […]
The aspects in astrology are the angular relationships between planetary bodies (or zodiacal degrees like the Ascendant) that are crucial to knowing how a person will tick. Usually, categorised as either ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ aspects, this all depends on the degree of zodiac separating the two bodies. Hence, sextiles (60º) and trines (120º) are ‘easy’, […]
Chiron – Wounder and Healer on the Birth Chart
Just what is Chiron? There is perhaps too little known about the Centaur planets. This is understandable, and there are various reasons– we need more independent research; we need to see how it operates throughout the course of the entire zodiac; not all astrologers are in favour of adding new planets to the chart (and […]
Just what is astrology? Is it some silly superstition? A sham science? Or something far more subtle and profound? According to Wikipedia the term ‘astrology’ derives from an ‘early Latin word astrologia, which [in turn] derives from the Greek astron (“star”) and logia, (“study of”—”account of the stars”). It ends this section by calling astrology […]
If you were wondering which astrology texts really ought to be on your book shelf, you could, as they say, do much worse than the following: General: Horoscope Symbols, Robert Hand, Para Research, 1981. This is the one general introduction you cannot be without – a combination of the accessible and the scholarly, Hand’s books […]